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Lecture - Query and Scan of DynamoDB

Page history last edited by Dr. Ron Eaglin 11 years ago

Query and Scan of DynamoDB


Summary of Video


Using Amazon Web Services and DynamoDB functions to query and scan data in a DynamoDB table and return the results.




Topic - NOSQL using DynamoDB


Lecture - Loading Data into DynamoDB


Video Link





Support Materials


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Amazon;
using Amazon.DynamoDB;
using Amazon.DynamoDB.DocumentModel;
using Amazon.DynamoDB.DataModel;
using Amazon.SecurityToken;
using Amazon.Runtime;
using Amazon.DynamoDB.Model;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Sql;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
// Add using statements to access AWS SDK for .NET services. 
// Both the Service and its Model namespace need to be added 
// in order to gain access to a service. For example, to access
// the EC2 service, add:
// using Amazon.EC2;
// using Amazon.EC2.Model;
namespace AWS_App1
    class Program
        private static AmazonDynamoDBClient client;
        private const int MAXROWS = 100;
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                AmazonDynamoDBConfig config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig();
                config.ServiceURL = "http://dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com";
                client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(config);
                //TransferData("rawData", "SERIALNO", "HousingData", "id");
                //QueryOnPrimaryKey("HousingData", "2006000000609");
                ScanOnAttributeValue("HousingData", "BDS", "4");
                // Upload data (using the .NET SDK helper API to upload data)
                //Console.WriteLine("Data uploaded... To continue, press Enter");
            catch (AmazonDynamoDBException e) { Console.WriteLine("DynamoDB Message:" + e.Message); }
            catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Console.WriteLine("Service Exception:" + e.Message); }
            catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("General Exception:" + e.Message); }
        private static void TransferData(string SourceTable, string SourcePK, string DestinationTable, string DestinationPK)
            // These open the local SQL Server
            Console.WriteLine("Reading Source Data");
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=FloridaHousingDB;Data Source=A30609\EAGLIN");
            SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TOP 100 * FROM " + SourceTable, conn);
            // Puts the Data into a DataSet
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            // Get Table from SQL Server DataSet
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            Console.WriteLine("Opening Desitnation table at AWS");
            // Get handle to DynamoDB table
            Table destTable = Table.LoadTable(client, DestinationTable);
            int r = 0; // Row Number
            // Loop for each row in the table
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine("Starting Insert Row: " + r.ToString());
                var doc = new Document();
                doc[DestinationPK] = Convert.ToString(dr[SourcePK]);
                int c = 0; // Column Number
                // Loop for each column in the row
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    // check not null and not Primary Key
                    if ((dt.Rows[r][c] != null) && (dc.ColumnName != SourcePK))
                        Console.WriteLine(dc.ColumnName + "  " + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[r][c]));
                        doc[dc.ColumnName] = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[r][c]);
                    c++; // increment column  
                Console.WriteLine("Completed Insert Row: " + r.ToString());
                r++; // increment row
        private static void QueryOnPrimaryKey(string tableName, string pkValue)
            // requires using Amazon.DynamoDB.Model; in header
            GetItemRequest request = new GetItemRequest{
                TableName = tableName,
                Key = new Key {HashKeyElement = new AttributeValue { S = pkValue }}
            GetItemResponse response = client.GetItem(request);
        private static void ScanOnAttributeValue(string tableName, string attributeName, string attributeValue)
            ScanRequest request = new ScanRequest
                TableName = tableName,
                AttributesToGet = new List<string> { "id" },
                ScanFilter = new Dictionary<string, Condition>()
                    {attributeName, new Condition {
                        ComparisonOperator = "EQ",
                        AttributeValueList = new List<AttributeValue>()
                            new AttributeValue {S = attributeValue }
            ScanResponse response = client.Scan(request);
            foreach (Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> item in response.ScanResult.Items)
        private static void QueryOnPrimaryKeyWithHashKey(string tableName, string pkValue)
            // This methods requires a HashKey
            QueryRequest request = new QueryRequest
                TableName = tableName,
                HashKeyValue = new AttributeValue { S = pkValue }
            QueryResponse response = client.Query(request);
            QueryResult result = response.QueryResult;
            foreach (Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> item in response.QueryResult.Items)
            PrintItem(item) ;
        private static void PrintItem( Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> attributeList)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AttributeValue> kvp in attributeList)
            string attributeName = kvp.Key;
            AttributeValue value = kvp.Value;
                attributeName + " " +
                (value.S == null ? "" : "S=[" + value.S + "]") +
                (value.N == null ? "" : "N=[" + value.N + "]") +
                (value.SS == null ? "" : "SS=[" + string.Join(",", value.SS.ToArray()) + "]") +
                (value.NS == null ? "" : "NS=[" + string.Join(",", value.NS.ToArray()) + "]")
        private static void UploadData()
            Table sampleTable = Table.LoadTable(client, "SampleData");
            var d1 = new Document();
            d1["id"] = "1";
            d1["Field1"] = "A field";
            d1["Field2"] = "Another Field";
            var d2 = new Document();
            d2["id"] = "2";
            d2["Field1"] = "A field 2";
            d2["Field2"] = "Another Field 2";





All Materials Copyright 2012 Dr. Ron Eaglin

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