COP4709 Spring 2016 Assignments
No surprise - this class has weekly assignments. Each assignment is designed to build you abilities as a database administrator and your ability to manipulate, query, and analyze data. Along the way we will learn key concepts of databases and database programming.
Associated Lectures
COP4709 Assignment 1 - Database Review |
Getting SQL Server up and running and building a database in the environment. You will need to have your computer running SQL server and SQL server management studio.
COP4709 Assignment 2B - Import and Analyze Data |
You will start by importing and analyzing data. One of the most important things you will have to do as you work with databases is to get data from external sources into your database. This involves acquiring the data, cleaning the data, and importing the data. All three of these steps will be done in this assignment.
COP4709 Assignment 3A - Stored Procedures |
You will start writing stored procedures in this assignment. Stored procedures will be one of the most important and useful tools for you as a database manager or developer. The beauty of stored procedures is just that - they are stored in the database and are accessible encapsulation of common database tasks and queries.
COP4709 Assignment 4A - Stored Functions |
You will now write a stored function that returns a table and another returning a scalar. These are the 2 common types of stored functions. Functions vary slightly from stored procedures - with a huge advantage, they can be used inline with queries.
COP4709 Assignment 5A - Transactions
You will create a transaction stored procedure and discuss how it meets the requirements of transaction management. Managing transactions are important to the work of a database manager - bottom line, everything happens - or nothing happens.
COP4709 Assignment 6B - Cursors
Learn to use cursors in stored procedures. Cursors allow you to make stored procedures much more like real programming and allows you to literally loop through a query.
COP4709A Assignment 7A - Reports |
Learn to use Report Writer to create a report. There are all sorts of reporting services software like Crystal Reports which is the most popular. However, they all work essentially the same - they allow for very nicely formatted reports which can be static or interactive.
COP4709 Assignment 8A - Lookup Tables |
A common database practice is coded fields that rely on lookup tables |
At this stage you now have all the basic tools to do pretty much everything with a database. We did not cover triggers (which may be useful) but a little bit of looking at documentation you will be quite capable of using them if needed. I avoid them as they often have side effects. The next set of assignments will have you solving some relatively complex data questions. We will be using real data. In each case you will need to get data into your system, manipulate it, format queries, and provide a report of results. Where most of the first half assignments were pretty straightforward - these are much more complex.
COP4709 Assignment 9A - Food Analysis
You will be using a nutrition database to determine health effects of food. (I could not resist doing this one again - it was a lot of fun in the past). If you have an alternate project that requires you to do a high level aggregation - feel free to substitute, just let me know.
COP4709 Assignment 10A - Business Reports |
Using real grades and some analysis you will generate a business report to a set of high level questions. |
COP4709 Assignment 11A - Full text indexing
Full text indexing opens up an entirely new world of querying
COP4709 Assignment 12A - Performance of queries
Learn how to use indexes and increase system performance
COP4709 Assignment 13A - Security
Learn about SQL Injection, security, and how to harden a database
COP4709 Assignment 14A - DynamoDB
Create a database using Amazon Web Services
COP4709 Assignment 15A - Hadoop
COP4709 Assignment 15B - Review Paper
You can either complete 15A or 15B (Hadoop homework does have a charge associated with creating the necessary VM)
15A - Create a Hadoop Instance using Azure Web Services.
15B - Review Paper
Or alternately - if you have a large DB project that you would like to present - that is a good third option. At this stage, you have opened up the world of DB - and you realize this is a dynamic and changing world.
COP4709 Spring 2016 Database Project
This class also requires a database project. Though the project will not be as challenging as most of the assignments, it does require the student to follow through with all best practices in database creation and maintenance. Here are all the components of the database project. For the project you will create a full database (with all elements) to meet a specific purpose and document the database thoroughly.
1. Database Purpose - This should include a fully detailed description of what is the purpose of the database, who will be using it, what will they use it for. Anyone reading this should have a full understanding of what this database is for.
2. Data Dictionary - All elements of the database should be included, coded fields should include the complete enumeration, field types and sizes should be documented.
3. Normalized Structure - The database structure should be diagrammed with all relationships. The level of normalization should be specified and defended. The indexing plan should be specified.
4. Interface Plan - All database interface should be controlled through stored procedures or read-only views. These must be designed and specified along with the security requirements for each of these elements.
5. Implementation - All of these elements must be implemented and documented.
6. Final User Documentation - All of this must be encapsulated into a final user documentation that will be submitted as a pdf file.
You may use the same database for CO4709 and COP4834 where you will be designing a system that interfaces with the database.
You may work in a team and also with students in the COP4834 course.
Past Assignments
COP 4709 Spring 2012 Assignments
COP4709 Spring 2013 Assignments
COP4709 Spring 2014 Assignments
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