Spring 2013 COP4709 Assignment 14 Solution
This is the solution to Spring 2013 COP4709 Assignment 14
1. Cleaning the data by using find and replace '%' for blank and '*' for blank
2. Copy and paste as values into new spreadsheet page (makes import easier)
3. Import data into new table (you may want to change header text to make query easier - I did not).
4. Final query below
USE JobPlacement
SELECT TOP 100 LEFT([Program Title],70),
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Number Employed] DESC) AS 'Number Employed Rank',
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Percent Continued Education] DESC) AS 'Percent Cont Ed Rank',
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Estimated Average Annual Full-Time Wage] DESC) AS 'Wage Rank',
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Percent Employed] DESC) As 'Percent Employed',
(RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Number Employed] DESC) +
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Percent Continued Education] DESC) +
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Estimated Average Annual Full-Time Wage] DESC) +
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [Percent Employed] DESC)) AS 'Total'
FROM JobPlacement
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