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COP4709 Assignment 1 - Database Review

Page history last edited by Dr. Ron Eaglin 7 years, 8 months ago

Assignment 1 - Review Database Creation in SQL Server




Demonstrate ability to get SQL Server operational and create a database within SQL Server.


This is a review assignment.




1. You will need to install SQL Server, and  SQL Server Management Studio. You can download these from Dreamspark. (dreamspark.com)

2. Next you will use either one of the supplied data dictionaries or one of your own design to create a database in SQL Server.

3. After creating the table structure you can use the SQL Server diagram tool to create a diagram of your databae

4. Create a simple documentation of your database with a full data dictionary, SQL code for creation, and  database diagram.


 You can select one of the database dictionaries below or propose your own database. You may also begin work towards your database project design and use this database in this assignment. Your database should demonstrate at least one of each of the following; 1:1 relationship between entities, 1:n relationship between entities with correct use of foreign key constraints, n:n relationship between entities with relationship table to correctly represent the n:n relationship.


Data Dictionary - Class Advising System

Data Dictionary - Sports Players Statistics

Data Dictionary - Music Database


You will turn in (to the drop box) a word doc or pdf file of the documentation




This assignment covers all the basics of getting started with SQL Server, creating a database, and the basic database objects (tables, keys, etc...).


This is a relatively straightforward review example - it is a good opportunity to get database management up and running.

You can also run the database on Azure, which is freely available to you in Dreamspark as a student.  You will need to be able to run SQL Server Management Studio locally. You can use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the database instance you have created on Azure.


SQL Server Management Studio - This is a client tool that can be used to manage database. It is NOT a database itself, but is simply a tool. You will need to connect to a database to manage it.

SQL Server Instance or SQL Express - You can run an instance of these on your local machine. These are database servers and run as a service on your local machine (or remote) to manage databases running in an instance of the server.

Azure - Azure is a cloud service and will allow you to run an instance of SQL Server in the cloud. This will be required in some later assignments.


Estimated Completion Time


This is a review assignment. This should take experienced users 3-6 hours, for less experienced database users you should allot up to 10-20 hours.


Supporting Lectures


Topic - Review of Database I


Questions and Answers


Discussion board should be used for any questions or discussion.


External Resources


Here is a simple guide to connecting - just in case you need it. This is a pretty easy install so you should be OK - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345318.aspx 


Grading Criteria


A well structured database that handles all the requirements is worth full credit.

- Database created

- Database has required elements (1:1, 1:n, n:n relationships)

- Documentation complete (data dictionary, SQL script, Diagram)




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