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COP4709 Assignment 13A - Security

Page history last edited by Dr. Ron Eaglin 9 years, 5 months ago

 Assignment 13A - Security




Learn about database security




You will be doing a paper for this assignment. The paper consists of 2 parts; one is the hacker, the other is the defender.


Part 1 - Hacker: For the first part you need to investigate and plan a SQL injection attack.  A simple article on SQL injection is here - http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp The goal of a planned attack is to penetrate the database and get a list of all users and passwords. In your paper as the hacker you will describe the method and technique you will use.


Part 2 - Defender: You are expecting plenty of SQL injection attacks and you will outline how you will defend these attacks. In addition the hackers are quite likely to use any backdoor channel that they can find. You need to ensure that these are hardened. Please document all these steps in your plan.





Learn about SQL Injection here - http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp 


Estimated Completion Time


About 5-10 hours


Supporting Lectures 


Topic - Security and SQL Injection


Questions and Answers


There are a lot more ways to hack a DB system other than SQL Injection. Even though the assignment does not require it, I recommend you at least watch and get all the information from the DB hardening lecture.


External Resources




Grading Criteria


A good hacker plan is worth 4

A solid plan of defense is worth 6


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